After all, what is blasphemy, does it have anything to do with Hindus?


From newspapers to social media, you must have heard about the blasphemy law many times. Recently, in the neighboring country of Pakistan, some local people surrounded a woman and demanded punishment under the blasphemy law. But do you know what the blasphemy law is? Today we will tell you what is the blasphemy law and what is the punishment under it. 


Blasphemy means any religion or belief. Making fun of faith. Insulting any religious symbols, signs, sacred objects, lack of respect for God or disrespect towards anything considered sacred or invisible is called blasphemy. Many countries have different laws regarding blasphemy. In many countries, there is a provision of even death penalty for this. 

Blasphemy laws

A report in 2015 by the research institute Pew Research Was released. According to which, 26 percent of the countries in the world have laws related to insulting religion, under which there are provisions for punishment. 70 percent of these countries are Muslim majority countries. Let us tell you that in these countries there are provisions for fine and imprisonment under the charge of blasphemy. But in Saudi Arabia, Iran and Pakistan, there is a provision of death penalty for the crime of blasphemy. 

What is the punishment for Hindus

Tell? Let us tell you that there is no law related to blasphemy in India. Although many times the demand for making a blasphemy law has been raised in India, no such law has been implemented till now. But if a Hindu or a person of any religion commits such an incident in any other country, where blasphemy law is in force, then that person will be punished according to that country. However, many times allegations of misuse of this law are also made. According to a report by Deccan Religious, more than 12 thousand people have died in Islamic countries in the last 20 years on charges of blasphemy. 


Also read: In this Muslim country, girl students are banned from wearing hijab, they are punished for wearing it.

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